Create your own 2 or 3 day strength training workouts with easy to use templates! In this workbook you'll......

  • Learn the 4 Pillars of designing your own Structured Strength Training program.
  • Choose exercises from on a movement pattern library to build a well-rouned program you'll be excited to do!
  • Determine how many sets, reps, and days per week to program based on your personal preferences and goals
  • Know exactly what you're going to do for your workouts no matter if you're working out from home or the gym!


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Hey! I'm Keri, I'm a personal trainer and nutrition coach who specializes in helping busy women reach their fat loss goals, without losing their minds!

Women tell me all the time that they want to be more consistent with their workouts, but unless they work with a trainer or take a class, they're completely lost as to what to do on their own. This is EXACTLY why I created the Structured Strength Training Workbook! To take the confusion out of the equation and provide you with everything you need to design an individualized program you'll love to do!

You get to choose how many days per week you train, how many sets, reps, etc., all based on your goals, schedule and preferences. And the best part? I walk you through it ALL!

I've been designing strength and conditioning programs for over 20 years. I'm also a busy mom of 3! In this workbook I've combined my education in Exercise Physiology, with my personal and professional experience, to help you create the BEST "bang for your buck" total body training program for YOU!